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But here’s the thing—this is exactly what I’ve been teaching thousands of women around the world for years.

Welcome to the world of vaginal gymnastics. A modern take on the legend of ‘pompoir,’ this powerful method of pelvic floor control has roots in ancient practices allegedly used by women like Cleopatra and Diane de Poitiers to enchant some of the most influential men of their time.

And while making men weak at the knees is certainly a fun bonus (and hey, more power to you if that’s your goal!), vaginal gymnastics is about so much more. It’s about unlocking the kind of pleasure and orgasms you never thought possible.

Women who practice this art report experiencing G-spot orgasms they never knew they could have, A-spot orgasms (those delicious ones deep inside near the cervix), and a newfound love for penetration. Oh, and let’s not forget the cherry on top—a skyrocketing sex drive.

And here’s the best part: it doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 85, if you’ve had kids or not, or if you’ve gone through menopause. This practice is for every woman.

So, if you’re ready to explore new realms of pleasure, reconnect with your divine feminine energy, or just have your lovers begging for more, this article is for you.

Let’s dive into the world of vaginal gymnastics—how it works, why it’s so powerful, and how you can start practicing today to become the ultimate sex goddess.

Milking, Whipping, Twisting! But… How?

Some of the exercises women learn when they start training with us include milking, squeezing, locking, whipping, twisting, and even…wringing.

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