Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
THE CHALLENGE OF WARRIORSHIP is to live fully in the world as it is and to find within this world, with all its paradoxes, the essence of nowness. If we open our eyes, if we open our minds, if we open our hearts, we will find that this world is a magical place. It is not magical because it tricks us or changes unexpectedly into something else, but it is magical because it can be lived so vividly, so brilliantly. However, the discovery of that magic can happen only when we transcend our embarrassment about being alive, when we have the bravery to proclaim the goodness and dignity of human life, without either hesitation or arrogance.
Being able to apply such a profound statement to life does take courage. It takes an immensity of courage to face up to yourself and truly understand that you have a duty to yourself and to the world you live in to make it a better place. To be present in all aspects of life allows one the opportunity of understanding this experience where we are no longer tricking ourselves into being veiled by our ignorance, but instead removing the veil and move towards a position of being conscious, being more awake and more active in how you live your life.
Warriors are placed in society as a beacon of hope. Hope that the force we have implemented will protect us against any malevolent energy that crosses our path. There is a surety in their position because we know that the values of the righteous warrior are founded on persistence, virtue, love, righteousness, and compassion. These are some of the values that we forget to implement in our own lives on the basis of how we choose to live.
Applying these principles does not mean that we have to ascribe to a particular societal script, but instead it does mean that we have to become reflective enough of our own state of mind and heart to make choices that not only benefit us but also become beneficial to the world in which we live.
This is where the challenge lies in becoming a sexual warrior. It comes from the understanding that sexual liberation in oneself leads to a sense of absolute freedom, but on this path of acquiring this knowledge, it is essential that we are also educating the world around us to enter into their own path of exploration. Without this form of self-enquiry, we remain in a state of ignorance and dullness.
There are many people who do not wish to experience any form of consciousness and prefer to live in a world of naivety. This is perfectly fine too because this active choice highlights the limitations that the individual truly knows and they do not feel they are capable enough of opening their eyes to face the world at that particular time. This also doesn’t mean that they won’t arrive at that place one day and be open enough to explore the depths of their consciousness.
This is where life always surprises me. There is always something that will prompt us to face up to who we are and what we are. It is just a question of time. So if you have the opportunity and choice and are conscious enough to be aware of this, then make the choice. Because life can be and is truly vivid and beautiful and holds a marvel of aspects to it that is only dependant on how much you are willing to explore it.
Become an adventurer, mould yourself into a sexual warrior. Sculpt yourself into the vision of self that you know you can be. Go against any fears and condition the mindset that you can face anything. Understand that all failures are temporary and that this world needs people who are courageous enough to take that leap of faith and make a stand for what they believe in. Never hide who you are and never dampen your ability to shine. Your light will radiate and influence the energy of everyone around you, even though this may feel at times like the loneliest place in the world. But it doesn’t mean that you are alone.
Sometimes we all need a little extra support, and that’s okay. If you’re feeling stuck, struggling with a relationship, or simply want to make positive changes in your life, I’m here to walk that journey with you. The most meaningful step for you is to reach out and try a free session to see if we can resolve this.
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