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It is not uncommon for women over 50 to develop some discomfort and aches in their hands and arms. While some of the pains could be considered minor, some of the conditions can lead to longer term concerns. You are not alone in this and LivingBetter50 has some stretching activities that can help restore movement and avert long term damage.

Here are some of the primary hand exercises and stretches that a physical therapist will advise you to do.

Finger extension stretch

This exercise stretches the tissues on the underside of the palm of your hand and wrist while strengthening the muscles that lift your fingers.

  • Place your hand flat with your palm on a table, then slowly lift each finger off the table, one at a time, holding each for 10 seconds before lowering the fingers down.
  • You can assist the stretch using the other hand on each finger, but be gentle. Keep all other fingers and your palm flat on the table when lifting and individual finger.
  • Repeat on each finger 5-10 times before switching hands.

Thumb extension stretch

Our thumbs are one of the most important joints in the body. The plausible thumb is what allows humans to grip, hold and do far more activities than many animals. This stretch will give your hard-working thumb a much needed stretch.

  • Hold your hand out in front of you, palm facing down. If necessary, rest your hand on a table for additional support.
  • Use your other hand to gently pull your thumb towards your wrist until you feel a stretch.
  • Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and repeat 5- 10 times before switching hands.

Wrist flexion stretch

This exercises and stretches the finger and wrist extensors – the same muscles that were used to lift the fingers in a previous stretch.

  • Hold your arm out in front of you with the palm of your hand facing down toward the ground. Use the opposite hand to push the hand downward and generating a stretch in the top (or back) of the fingers and wrist.
  • The arm should remain straight and extended throughout the stretch to ensure that the forearm muscles are stretched too.
  • Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and repeat 5- 10 times before switching hands.

Finger spread

Being able to spread your fingers wide is as essential as making a fist. This stretch aims to improve the range of motion that you have for your hands.

  • Placing you hand palm down on a table or flat surface, slowly spread your fingers as wide as possible.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds before bringing the fingers back to touching each other.
  • Repeat the stretch 10 times before switching hands
  • To increase resistance, wrap a rubber band around the fingers that you are stretching.

Finger to thumb touches

This exercise is more focused on hand co-ordination and dexterity. Fine motor skills maintenance is key to maintaining healthy hands and fingers.

  • Touch the tip of each finger to the tip of your thumb. Start with the index finger and move to each finger.
  • Reverse the motion from the pinky finger to the index finger.
  • For an extra challenge, vary the speed between touches and try doing the exercise with your eyes closed.

Focused exercises and stretches of the fingers, hands, and wrists will help to overcome conditions like arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, dupuytren’s contracture, and tendonitis. Stretching your hands and wrists can help with improve your flexibility, range of motion, and blood circulation too.

Always listen to your body and stop any exercises that cause pain or intense discomfort.

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The post Manage and Improve Hand and Arm Health with Stretching appeared first on LivingBetter50.

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