Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Women

The Best Sex Toys for Winter

Between festive love songs, mistletoe, and an endless stream of aphrodisiacs, the holidays are just meant for romance. If you’re looking to bring a little spark to your love life this winter (or want to show some love to yourself),…

How to Manage Pain with IUD Insertions

IUDs are super effective at managing periods and preventing pregnancy⁠ (pregnancy: The state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the uterus. Medically, someone is considered to be pregnant when an egg has been fertilized by sperm, cells divide,…

Over the Counter Birth Control Pills! Finally!

Birth control pills are one of the most reliable, widely tested forms of contraception⁠ (contraception: Devices, medications or behaviors used to intentionally aim to prevent pregnancy, including the condom, the cervical barrier, the implant, the patch, the pill, the rhythm…

How to Change A Pass/Fail Dating Mindset

Do you feel like a failure any time you think you might want to pursue a romantic⁠ (romantic: Of, or relating to, intimate or passionate love or interest.) connection with someone and they don’t share your interest in exploring that possibility?…