Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Men

What does a sex coach do?

As a Somatic Sex Coach, most of the time I work with clients on the following four things: Sexual Mastery I provide sex & relationship education that most of us never got. It includes accurate information and practical tools that…

Oversensitive clit: what to do?

Ask a sex coach “My super sensitive clit has always caused problems in my relationships. Men simply don’t know how to handle it, and I often shy away from being touched. It’s also something that men love because penetrative sex…

Top sex and relationship blogs

While so many people still rely on porn to learn about sex, many free online resources are much more useful and can make a difference in your sex life. If you’re seeking guidance, looking to enhance your intimacy, or simply…

10 Effective Ways to Strengthen It

Have you ever felt that amazing rush of energy after a good workout, or the calm that washes over you during meditation? That’s the magic of the mind-body connection at work! Whether you’re seeking to reduce stress, boost your mood,…