Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Health

Eating Disorders in Canadian Men

When we think of eating disorders, the common perception is that these are conditions that predominantly afflict women. However, this stereotype is not only inaccurate but also detrimental. Eating disorders can and do affect men. In fact, in Canada, an…

Unveiling Myths in Men’s Mental Health

In the intricate tapestry of health discourse, men’s mental health often remains an understated thread, overshadowed by societal misconceptions and traditional stereotypes. Despite significant strides in public awareness, the stigmatization and misunderstanding of men’s psychological well-being persist. This article aims…

Essential Health Insights for Men

In the fabric of modern healthcare, understanding the nuances of men’s health is crucial for fostering longevity and quality of life. Canadian men, like their counterparts globally, face unique health challenges that require tailored awareness and care. Here, we delve…

Prostate Cancer in Canadian Men

Prostate cancer stands as one of the most prevalent and concerning health issues affecting Canadian men today. As a disease that predominantly affects older males, it has far-reaching implications not only for individuals but also for families, communities, and the…

Men’s Mental Health

There have been many discussions surrounding mental health, mental illness, and the need for increased awareness. However, as many as 40% of men will avoid discussions about their mental health. In Canada alone, 75% of all suicides are men. Globally,…

Cancer Q&A – Lost Empire Herbs

Let’s talk about cancer today. First the standard disclaimer. I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on the internet. But I lost my mom to cancer through the conventional treatment zoo and have studied health for decades. So…