Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Fashion

Lara Intimates Review: Wren & Ava

Back in 2017, we fell in love with a young brand called Lara Intimates. They’ve been going from strength to strength since then, and we’re more in love than ever! This brand has sustainability at its core: using ‘deadstock’ fabric…

Is This Thing Still On?

Knock knock, anyone home?! It’s been, ahem, 5 years since we posted on BCLC thanks to a combination of lockdown, baby(/ies), big work successes, and just life in general getting in the way. But we thought it might finally be…

What is a tantalum ring?

A tantalum ring is a piece of jewelry made from tantalum, a rare and lustrous metal known for its exceptional properties. Tantalum is renowned for its resistance to corrosion, making it an ideal choice for jewelry that needs to withstand…

Thong Battle: 02/04/25 – 02/11/25

Welcome to the Thong Battle! Every Tuesday, you guys get to vote on which plump rump you like better. The winner moves on to next week to face off against another competitor. Last week’s Thong Battle wasn’t even close, with…