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Wellness is the state of being in good health. It is an actively pursued goal, and mental health counselors play a critical role in promoting wellness by helping families, individuals and communities deal with difficult emotions. For example, counselors might provide treatment to young people whose parents are in the process of divorcing.  They can also assist those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, or aid individuals who have psychological issues such as eating disorders, anxiety, or depression.

Mental health counselors not only perform assessments and diagnose mental health disorders, but they also design customized treatment plans for each patient. They help people with mental health issues face and manage the challenges they face in life. Their goal is to improve their clients’ well-being so that they may have better, more fulfilling lives.

Mental health counselors as promoters of holistic wellness

The importance of emotional stability in fostering physical health is widely recognized. To treat and mitigate emotional suffering, lower stress levels, and improve capacity for coping, mental health counselors can develop holistic healing methods with patients. Holistic approaches to wellbeing include mindfulness, biofeedback exercises such as breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga, as well as creative art and nature-assisted therapy. The main focus is to promote a better quality of life leading to changes in both mental and physical health.

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Mindfulness methods

The foundation for enabling improvement in psychological and emotional wellness is mindfulness. Experts in medicine, mental health, and behavior therapy have spoken about the significant part played by mindfulness in the recuperation process. The practice of mindfulness requires the practitioner to pay conscious attention to the current experience in a non-striving, non-judgmental manner. This approach has been applied throughout both official and informal therapy methods with good results. An attentive state enables individuals to observe their mental, spiritual, and physiological processes more thoroughly and impartially. Employed in businesses, educational institutions, and even the armed forces, the application of mindfulness in the healthcare industry is expanding.

Mindfulness therapies have been reliably linked to several measures of emotional wellness. They incorporate notions such as awareness, focus, and consciousness. In the last 30 to 40 years, mindfulness has been effectively applied to treat a variety of mental health conditions. Conditions such as substance misuse, eating disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders, anxiety, depression, and personality disorders. To treat their patients through mindfulness techniques, mental health counselors may prescribe breathing exercises, meditation, guided imagery, and mindful eating. Each of these techniques is described briefly below. 


Meditation is a mind and body practice used to provide an increased state of mental calmness and physical relaxation. People also use it for coping with illnesses and to improve health and wellbeing. Another mindfulness practice that mental health counselors utilize to help their patients is body scan meditation. A full-body scan meditation takes 30 to 45 minutes. Stress and tension can be released by having the client just notice with awareness, as this mindfulness technique concentrates attention on the body without passing judgment. 

Breathing exercises

Mindful breathing techniques are particularly beneficial as breathing is an experience that can be concentrated on in the present and is a constant in life. Counselors in mental health often urge those they counsel to sit peacefully with their eyes open or closed. Then practicing mindful breathing by concentrating on their breathing sensations.

Mindful eating

Although mindful eating may be practiced during any meal, something straightforward is typically used, such as a slice of orange. The orange slice’s color, texture, fragrance and feel are to be noted by the client. The client then takes a single bite and observes how the flavor and feelings alter as they chew and swallow. It’s crucial to complete the exercise carefully, calmly and attentively. Mindful eating has the potential to benefit individuals with eating disorders and issues related to body image, and it can also enhance their relationship with food. It can also promote an increased respect and gratitude for food and the nourishment it provides for our bodies and lives.

The role of mental health counselors in promoting healthy lifestyles

Although mental health is the primary focus of counselors, physical health should also be taken into consideration. There is a direct correlation between physical and mental wellness. Clients experiencing depression may have gastrointestinal issues, joint discomfort, or chronic pain, for example. Counselors assist clients with both mental and physical health concerns.

For example, they provide great support in helping patients quit smoking and drinking alcohol. They help their patients to build healthier habits to quit harmful ones. They also teach their patients different techniques that can help them manage the withdrawal symptoms that come with quitting addictive substances. Some mental health counselors also provide motivational support in the form of individual talking sessions. 

Mental health counselors frequently help patients to cope with symptoms from temporary to long-term illnesses. For example, they can assist patients suffering from CVD through behavioral counseling. Following 12 to 24 months of intense lifestyle counseling, those who met the criteria for CVD were shown to have lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and a decreased relative risk of diabetes, as well as improved weight outcomes overall.

Mental health counselors also provide support to people going through natural life changes such as puberty, as well as the common life challenges encountered in midlife. For instance, they can also help women with the physical and mental effects of menopause.

The role of mental health counselors in helping patients with stress management

Stress levels are a crucial factor in determining a person’s well-being and mental health. Mental health counselors are equipped with various methods and approaches that can help their patients deal with stress on a day-to-day basis. Direct access and online counseling may help assist someone with the management of their stress as they are experiencing it. Here are some frequently used methods:

  • Coping strategies: Both offline and online counselors provide their patients with proper coping methods that they may apply regularly when they encounter stressful situations. These coping techniques assist them in controlling their anxiety levels by helping them to manage specific stress-inducing situations.
  • Self-care activities: Introducing their patients to self-care activities is a crucial part of the counselor’s stress management strategies. Maintaining their physical and emotional well-being is facilitated by engaging in self-care. These factors are significant in determining an individual’s stress levels. Exercise, listening to music, social interaction, and deep breathing exercises are a few examples of self-care routines. Also, mental health counselors may add enjoyable things that their patients can include in their daily schedule into a self-care regimen.
  • Healthy emotional outlet: Providing a safe environment for emotional expression is one of the main functions of mental wellness counselors in regulating stress. Many people rarely express their feelings and often hold them inside. Unspoken feelings contribute to further mental health problems and can make stress worse. During both offline and online counseling sessions, the patients can freely communicate their feelings and ideas without holding back or feeling afraid.
  • Identifying primary stressors: For most individuals, a particular issue or set of circumstances causes stress. Finding the sources of stress is crucial if the patient wants to eliminate it. A person or a situation, such as very demanding work, are examples of external stressors. Chemical exposure is another factor that might cause stress. Both environmental and biological variables have the potential to cause it. Counseling may assist the patient in identifying all the main stressors that are influencing their stress levels, which is one of its functions in managing stress.

Roles and responsibilities of mental health counselors

It is among the responsibilities of a mental health counselor to collaborate with their clients to determine what aspects of their lives they would like to change. Which areas they would like to grow in, and what circumstances they would like to avoid? Everybody’s experience with therapy or counseling is unique, but most begin with the goal of processing a tough issue so that they may emerge from it feeling relieved. 

There are many layers and nuances relating to the roles and responsibilities of Mental Health Counselors. With all its challenges, being able to comfort and help individuals from all walks of life makes it a truly rewarding profession. For those looking to embark on Mental Health Counseling as a new career path, American International College provides two graduate-level counseling programs, including an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. This is an online program accessible to those with a Bachelor’s degree in any field of study.

Setting clear and achievable goals

Goal planning is widely recognized as a great way for mental health counselors to help patients trying to address recurring mental and physical health issues. Focusing small, achievable goals can help people who struggle with managing a variety of situations in their daily lives. It can steer attention away from large, seemingly impossible problems. 

Daily goals and plans, when put into practice, can also help with acquiring and developing new coping mechanisms. It could be the simplest, most mundane activity, which ultimately reaps the most beneficial rewards in terms of general health and wellness. An example of this would be to set a self-care or mindfulness goal that must be met every day. A five-minute meditation or breathing exercise plan.

Another area in which mental health counselors assist clients is in making better decisions. Setting goals can give patients who might have trouble making decisions – healthy or otherwise – the tools they need to improve this area of their lives. 

They also help with patient growth. Everybody is on a road of personal growth, whether they are receiving therapy. Counselors and their patients can work together to establish achievable goals. These will help them reach various areas of personal improvement.

Mental health counselors on wellness

Mental health counselors are arguably fundamental to the promotion of wellness in almost any setting. They can help patients from all walks of life, with varying conditions, circumstances, and situations, with applicable practices. Holistic care plays a vital role in the process of achieving wellness. It is often practiced in the form of mindfulness activities, such as meditation and breathing exercises. Mental health counselors can assist patients with setting achievable goals and coping mechanisms to address stressful situations. All in all, it’s a very rewarding career path for those motivated by the idea of helping others with their mental and physical well-being.

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