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Through a college friend, I was fortunate to learn of the book “Abuse Exposed: Identifying Family Secrets That Breed Dysfunction” by Christine Hammond, LMHC, NCC.

This book gets at the heart of so many abuse tendencies and situations, as well as what individuals and families can do to genuinely heal and set boundaries where necessary. Hammond not only offers professional authority as a mental health counselor and advocate, but also shares such personal revelations from her own journey.

She speaks with immense credibility that makes her writing relatable and applicable.

I was able to ask Hammond some questions that I think will resonate with some of you as my readers. This book is quite good and I highly recommend it. Keep reading to see Hammond’s answers to my questions and to learn about the book giveaway I’m doing.

1. You do a great job of pointing out that if someone being abused is in immediate danger, they should call the police. Of course, so much abuse is more subtle, yet still devastating. What would you say to someone who is looking for a “first step” to start to protect himself or herself from something that is clearly abuse, but isn’t causing them immediate danger?

The first step is to acknowledge the abuse, then identify it by name, and lastly form new boundaries to minimize any future abuse. The first step of acknowledgement is the hardest because it requires admitting that we have tolerated a harmful behavior, possibly willingly.

2. Your work is so needed, but also sounds like it could be quite exhausting and overwhelming at times. What keeps you motivated to continue this work?

My clients inspire me. Watching them gain awareness, freedom and healing from abuse is a beautiful process and one I feel privileged to be part of witnessing.

3. Something I found quite compelling and unique about your book is you offer helpful information for abusers, as well as those who are abused. What messages do you hope most resonates with abusers who read your book?

That there is help for them as well. Too often, we focus only on healing the victims and not the abusers. But to significantly affect change and impact future generations, we need to heal abusers so the pattern of abuse doesn’t repeat.

4. In the book, you share your story. Why do you think that kind of vulnerability can be so empowering in safe settings?

I hope it inspires others and provides a framework for growth and personal freedom. Why do we need more people to share their stories of healing? Each story is different and can inspire others who are in similar circumstances. The more discussion on abuse, the less power abusive behavior has on the victims.

I am so incredibly grateful for Christine Hammond. THANK YOU, Christine! To learn more about her, go to her website

If you would like a chance to win the extra copy of her book that I have, please leave a comment on this post. Of all the comments I receive by noon Central Time October 18, 2021, I will randomly choose from the commenters using a number generator (For example, if I receive 18 comments, I will use an automatic number generator to pick a number between 1-18. Whichever number lines up with that comment will receive the book).

A few things to remember… I moderate my comments to avoid spam, so your comment won’t appear until I give it the ok to appear. Your email address won’t appear with your comment, but please use an actual email address when you complete the comment so I know how to reach you if you win the book.  Due to shipping costs, the recipient has to live in the continental United States.

Copyright 2021, Julie Sibert. Intimacy in Marriage Blog. Links may be monetized.

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